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Persuasive Essay: 4th Grade

This version was saved 14 years, 10 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Mary Beth Hertz
on November 24, 2009 at 9:35:12 am


Objective:  Write an organized and logical 130 word persuasive essay to explain your view and opinion on a given topic.



1) Choose one of the topics below to write about.  

2) Start a Microsoft Word document.  Save it as yourname.room#.persuasive essay.

3) Choose a title for your essay.

4) Follow all rules for Word Processing when typing your document.

5) Use the rubric below to make sure you are completing the essay correctly.



2 1
Focus Essay has a focus throughout. Essay mostly has a focus throughout. Essay sometimes loses focus. Essay does not have a focus.
Organization Essay has a clear introduction, body and conclusion. Essay has an introduction, body and conclusion, though not always clear. Essay is missing an introduction, body or conclusion. Essay is missing two of the following: an introduction, a body or conclusion.
Grammar Essay has no grammatical mistakes. Essay has 1-2 grammatical mistakes. Essay has 3-4 grammatical mistakes. Essay has more than 4 grammatical mistakes.
Effectiveness Essay makes an effective argument. Essay makes a mostly effective argument. Essay does not make an effective argument. Essay does not make an argument.
Length Essay has more than 130 words. Essay has 128-130 words. Essay has 120-128 words. Essay has fewer than 120 words.


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